Picture by J.Fuller (Unsplash)

Helsinki and Stockholm are at the vanguard of seeking innovative ways to incorporate drones and air mobility into everyday urban life under CITYAM, a project funded by the EU. The three-year project brings together six cities from the Baltic Sea Region, taking place first in Helsinki, Hamburg and Stockholm, to be then replicated in Gdańsk, Riga and Tartu. The project CITYAM equips cities with tools to improve airspace management in dealing with emerging urban air mobility and scaling drone operations, by seeking responsible and sustainable ways to integrate new air mobility services into traditional urban mobility systems: the project will principally look to enhance public officials’ knowledge of urban air mobility and measure public acceptance of new services in the space. CITYAM will also provide tools that support adaptation and utilisation efforts in other cities across the entire Baltic Sea Region: for example, Finnish authorities, companies and research companies recently established test areas for using drones for various purposes in the five localities of Evo, Oulu, Pyhtää, Sjökulla and Vihti.

Read more on Interreg-baltic.eu and Goodnewsfinland.com