In our final installment of Völsunga Saga (for now), it’s what you’ve all been waiting for: we finally cover the tale of Sigurðr, the most famous of all Norse heroes who slew the dragon Fáfnir, and his tragic love with the valkyire Brynhildr. There’s fire, murder, mayhem, and one ring to curse them all. Don’t miss it!


• “Dictionary of Northern Mythology” by Rudolf Simek, 2007 • “The Saga of the Volsungs”, transl. by Jesse Byock, 2004, supplemented by some of my own translations from the source text
• “The Poetic Edda”, transl. by Carolyne Larrington, 2014
• “The Prose Edda“, transl. by Anthony Faulkes, 1995

‘Volsunga Saga Part I

‘Volsunga Saga Part II

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