The recent update of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, the Nordic evidence based on what we should eat, made it clear that the
environmental impacts of food are important to consider when developing dietary guidelines
(check out episode 1!). Now, Nordic countries are updating their own dietary guidelines and have the opportunity to follow the NNR’s lead
and incorporate environmental sustainability into their guidance on what to eat. While several Nordic countries are steeped in debate over
whether dietary guidelines should be good for people and the planet or focus solely on nutrition, for one country, this is old news. In this
episode, I talk with two experts who were integral to developing and launching Denmark’s climate-smart dietary guidelines…back in 2021.
We talk about the political climate and the process that made this a quiet success.

Joining me in the episode:
-Anne Pøhl Enevoldsen, Head of Department for Sustainable Food and Health at the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (she has
since moved on to an exciting role at
Forbrugerrådet Tænk – The Consumer Council Think).
-Ellen Trolle, PhD, Senior Researcher at the Technical University of Denmark in the Nutrition, Sustainability and Health Promotion research group.
What exactly do climate-smart dietary guidelines look like? Check out Denmark’s guidelines here.

Listen to the podcast