1814 er kanskje det viktigste årstallet i moderne norsk historie. I 1814 fikk Norge sin egen grunnlov, sin egen konge og sin selvstendighet. Men landet ble også tvunget inn i en ny union i 1814. I denne episoden skal vi snakke mer om 1814 og alt som skjedde i Norge da. Men først må vi snakke litt om hva som skjedde før 1814.

1814 is perhaps the most important year in modern Norwegian history. In 1814, Norway gained its own constitution, its own king and its independence. But the country was also forced into a new union in 1814. In this episode, we will talk more about 1814 and everything that happened in Norway. at that time. But first we need to talk a little about what happened before 1814.

Read more on: Laernorsknaa.com/

Transcript: Laernorsknaa.com/7-4-1814-independence-and-constitution/

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