Photo: Public Safety/Björn Oddsson (

Updated March 17, at 00:50

An eruption has started between Hagafell and Stóra-Skógfell. The source is closer to Stóra-Scógfell, in a similar place to the eruption that occurred on February 8. The lead-up to the eruption was short, but the eruption began at 20:23. The eruption has now been going on for over four hours. Based on the visual assessment in the surveillance flight of the Swedish Coast Guard, it seems that the power of the eruption has not decreased much. The southern and northernmost part of the crack seems to have faded a bit. Otherwise, the entire fissure erupts fairly continuously. The lava bed that now flows over Grindavíkurveg is significantly wider than in February. According to information from the surveillance flight, the advance of the lava tongue, which flows south, has slowed down. The speed is now estimated to be around 300 m/h.