Chef Sven Erik Renaa offers the best produce of the region in his 21 seats’ STUDIO: a menu of approximately 25 servings, based on the best produce available. Based in Stavanger, RE-NAA focuses on the best products from the sea, fjords, land, forests and mountains in this fertile and generous region. Drink menu is chosen by the sommeliers, and adds an extra dimension to the food. The experience will provide a unique tasting journey whatever the occasion.

A taste of RE-NAA” – 3400kr
Unique & Honest Wine pairing – 2000kr
Fine & Classic Wine pairing – 4000kr

Sven Erik Renaa
Highly awarded Norwegian chef, born and raised in Trøndelag, with an Italian father, Renaa started his career at ‘Britannia Hotel’, where his mother also worked. He then moved to Oslo, where he worked at ‘Anden Etage’, at ‘Hotel Continental’ and ‘Bærums Verk’, before he went to the legendary ‘Park Avenue Café’ with renowned chef David Burke. After New York, Renaa returned to Oslo as Head Chef at ‘Brasseriet Hansken’, where he stayed for three years before he became Head Chef at ORO with ‘Bocuse d’Or’ winner Terje Ness. Renaa then left for Stavanger and ‘The Culinary Institute of Norway’, where he worked as an advisor and as Coach for the Norwegian Culinary team (junior and senior) for 8 years before he opened Renaa Restaurant in 2009.

‘Our motivation “Perfect simplified” helps to craft meaningful experiences for the people around us. This mission inspires us to jump out of bed each day and guides every aspect of what we do’
– Sven Erik Renaa –


Steinkargata 10, Breitorget
N-4006 Stavanger